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Sport in times of coronavirus: a good or a bad combination?

It is well known that sport is good for our mental and physical health and increases our life span. However, it seems that intense physical exercise is not advisable in some circumstances, particularly in case of risk of infection. Sport and infection: what are the risks? Sports cardiologist Dr. med Laurent Chevalier emphasizes that the […]

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Immune System: how does it work against an infection ?

A short introduction to the function of our immune system What is a pathogen ? Bacteria are organisms constituted of one cell (size in µm: one millionth of a meter) and are able to grow and reproduce. Viruses are smaller (size in nm: one billionth of a meter) and are constituted of an envelope with […]

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Nutrition et défenses immunitaires

Let’s boost our immune system

It’s no myth that we get ill more in winter and that the number of deaths rises during the cold months.1 But why? Well, we know that vast numbers of viruses exist, and just as there is a wide variety of plant species, viruses themselves are also very diverse. Plus, they can mutate very quickly. […]

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